
Submitted by Jean Simers

The sixth 2007-2008 Saturday Fun and Learning Day sponsored by Heads Up, GEAR UP and the Parent-Educator Resource Center was held on Saturday, February 9th at Calhoun Middle-High School.

Breakfast was served to all participants and then parents attended a session conducted by the Parent-Education Resource Center entitled Loving Guidance and Shari Johnson, spoke to the parents about her project the Calhoun Middle-High School Youth Force which is designed to address substance abuse problems in Calhoun County.

The children played games while their parents attended the informational sessions and after reuniting everyone the parents and children made six Valentine crafts together. Lunch was served by the middle school booster organization.

There were over 100 people in attendance on Saturday with the following parents winning door prizes: $20 Pit Stop gift cards from Heads Up - Brenda Bush, Linda Husk, Cathy Rush and Martha Vandal.

Parents and children who attend five of the eight sessions are eligible for a trip to Idlewild Park in spring 2008. The next Saturday Fun and Learning Day is Saturday, March 15th. We will be having an Easter Egg Hunt along with Easter crafts for everyone. If you have questions - contact Jean Simers, Heads Up Coordinator at 354-7595.