Former Russett, Calhoun County, residents Mike and Lesa (Goodrich) Carpenter and their two children lost their home in Spencer, to fire on January 19.
Fortunately they had a home to come to in Russett but are struggling to get funds to properly hook-up has for heat.
The family has been staying in the home, confined to one room heated with electric heaters. Water lines in the house have froze and burst.
The family have been doing what they can to get assistance, but are starting from square one, again. They need everything from clothes, furniture, and basically anything it takes to properly run a functional home.
An account has been set-up for the Carpenter's at Calhoun County Banks (Lesa Carpenter) if anyone would like to donate.
Anyone wishing to donate in other forms, such as clothing, household items etc., may call 354-7414 for sizes and additional information.