By Janet Siers

It's been cold! Daddy went to feed and water the hogs Monday morning and then a few hours later when I fed the chickens corn, I checked on the pigs and the water had frozen solid. Ray said what are we going to do? I replied wait until it warms up a bit and water them again. The biggest one loves to drink water.

Blaine King and I drove Nettie to visit with Heather and the babies. Lea Jeanett is a beautiful girl. Her dark hair stands straight up and is over 2" long, or high I should say. Heather, Blaine and I played darts. The board was made of plastic and kept score. It was fun. On Friday evening Ben, Heather, and the Ruckman girls came to visit with us. The next day we all went to see the pigs. Ruby likes bluegrass music and dances with me. I hope she will be able to attend the Bluegrass Festival here with me. Our cat Buddy disappeared while the girls were here.

Tyler and his friend Michael also spent the week-end with Ray and I. Tyler held Lea for a long time. Tyler brought his Play Station 2 and they played it a lot and also spent time in the woods. Good boys.

I went with Blaine King to the Chenowith place to check the gas and the kittens we took there. Everything is fine. After that we visited with Boots (King) and Gene in their new home. Gene had been working on the water. It had frozen and he hooked up to another source.

Thank you so much Orma Lou for the " Your new Granddaughter" card.

Thank you Rose Jarvis for the rug. Arlette Conley liked it also.

I loved this month's full moon and clear skies.

Everyone have a wonderful week!