
Kathleen H. Taylor

Welcome back to Beason. A place that even Santa and the IRS can find. We were hoping to be one of those places that the government would just assume doesn't exist. But, no such luck. So, I guess we will have to hand over our money to pay for things we can't have because we are all living in luxury! I am pretty certain my home is not referred to as "Graceland". I am also pretty sure that no one here on Beason is working for the fun of it. It seems we are all busting our butts and for what? I have a child that needs braces with a price tag of $5,000. Yes, that's right, 5000 dollars. Enough to purchase a 16 year old's first car, that is, if they didn't want heat, air conditioning, or a radio. But, our dental insurance literally "bites", so we will be coming up with $700 for a down payment and make monthly payments from there. It just does not seem fair to bust your butt and then go pay taxes to take care of some that don't want to make an honest dollar. I know that we really need to think those issues over when it comes to election time. I will get off my soapbox now or at least for the moment. You all know I don't keep quiet for very long.

Isn't it weird when you see someone that you know but don't speak because you're afraid it isn't the person you thought? I had this sort of thing happen to me over this past week. We have wrestling practice two nights a week plus some bonus time on the weekends. I was told someone said they knew my family and me from a long time ago. Immediately, I think my past has come back to haunt me. I began to prepare myself for those "remember when…"questions that were bound to come up. It turned out it wasn't like that at all. An old friend's (well, we're not old) son is a Dad to some of the kids on our team. I caught up with him and asked how long it had been and he said about fifteen years. Fifteen years, that's a long time. I could remember when he was just a pup and now he's a Dad! I am afraid I had a reality check on my age that day.

Congratulations go out to Aaron Hinzman and Chase Hyde for achieving a great mark on their wrestling career! Well done! Good luck at the Calhoun Invitational. I believe the Jr. Wrestlers go to Calhoun in February.

"Winners never quit, quitters never win" pep talk

The fifth graders at CCES will once again be hitting the pavement with fund raisers. Believe me; I have no desire to do this stuff. However, this is my son's big trip to D.C. so I will try to do so without being a pain to everyone.

I want to personally thank the person or persons that came and patched up some of our road. We really appreciated it. That road is really unsafe when the pot holes take over or when the drains and lines get clogged up. The flooding we had recently made the water very deep in places.

I want to thank Tammy Sommerville for helping me remember that we were having fun in Braxton County this past Saturday. We went to a big tournament that was just for "mat time". We were unaware that we were getting up that early and traveling that far for "mat time." After discussing this, we were certain we could get plenty of "mat time" in Ritchie County. Everyone that wasn't aware I was not pleasant without a substantial amount of sleep is very aware of it now. A pit bull might be nicer.

Health and happiness.