Submitted by Shari L. Johnson
Prevention Program Director
Calhoun Middle High School Youth Force

Communities Mobilizing for a Change on Alcohol (CMCA) is an evidence based prevention program that utilizes community organizing strategies designed to reduce access to alcohol by youth 13-20 years of ages by changing policies and practices. This method has been proven effective by not only limiting alcohol access to people under the legal drinking age, but also sends a clear message to community that underage consumption of alcohol is inappropriate and unacceptable.

The Youth Leadership Institute training will provide Calhoun County the opportunity to learn and apply these proven strategies in our community.

Benefits of this training include mobilizing community to make institutional and policy changes, limiting access to alcohol by youth, improving the health and well being of our community, change in the social environment, and increases responsible merchant practice.

The CMCA Training will be held February 5-6, 2008 at the Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department from 8:30-4 p.m. each day. Participation from Community Service organizations, health, police and school affiliated agencies is encouraged with CEU's available. Community residents with a concern for underage consumption and a desire to make a difference are eligible to attend as well. Space is limited to 25 participants with each person receiving the training curriculum free of charge.

For information or to sign up for the class please contact Shari Johnson at or phone 354-7231 and leave a message if no answer.