By Alvin Engelke

Jacques Frost was calling in the area and now the leaves are a blaze of color making for scenic vistas for those who like to go around looking at beautiful scenery. Some much needed gentle rain fell which will help grass and turnips grow.P> Chester Boggs, prominent Elizabeth businessman, passed away after an extended illness. In 1950 he moved from Creston and opened and service station across the river from Elizabeth. He, Cora and Chester Lee have been selling gas there ever since to folks far and wide. He was the son of Mart and Blanche Boice Boggs, who for many years lived up on Rock Camp.

The family of Dewey Ferrell had a gathering Sunday afternoon at the Creston Community Building.

Linda Buchanan, who is recovering from a bad automobile wreck in Charleston Area Medical Center, set a new record in the number of "Get Well" cards that she received. Letters of encouragement always help one recover when under the weather.

S. R. Lynch who recently turned 94 stated that it would be nice that he received 94 cards for his birthday. As it turned out he received 114. Seward noted that while he is old, he doesn't feel 114, although it might not be too bad a goal to strive for as he has his health and a sharp mind.

Rev. Robert Stanley filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church and celebrated Holy Communion. David Hennen was attending to business in Creston.

Anna, Jane and Nancy Engelke, Mike Tedrick, Keith Collins and Joel Hartshorn were all attending to business in Parkersburg. Keith purchased a new set of ski boots and they all dined at the River City Resturant.

Hipp, the Westvaco contractor, has started a timber job up Pete's Run and at the ballpark. Earlier Westvaco had built a new road to access part of the head of the Pete's Run watershed. The area was last cut by Curry Brothers. Elsewhere Westvaco has stripped the land bare and then had mexicans set out pine.

Charles Russell was consulting his physician at MHHCC.

The War Against terror continues but is on all fronts. It is now determined that anthrax spores have been sent through the mail to various destinations. A retired postmaster said,"I bet they will now go back and start using local postmarks so it can be determined where letters are mailed." Some years back Abernathy and his ilk had pushed the idea of big sectional centers with area wide postmarks. Such worked fine for spoof letters, etc. but leaves much to be desired when "bad" mail is sent.

Now that Osama and his comrades, Mohammed al-Ferkel, Abdullah el-Hure and Sultan ben Wurst have spread germs all over the place one will have to take a new view of cattle farming. The fine fellows "with the diapers wrapped around their heads" said they wanted to turn time back to the middle ages. For certain, farming in eastern United States has had time turned back a century for anthrax was unknown here although the cattle disease was seen on occasion in the west as well as in other parts of the world. One can only guess what other evil they have done that has yet to be discovered. It turns out now that the Philippine government about 6 years ago advised the U.S. government about the plan to fly planes into big buildings in America but the Clinton-Gore team was too busy gathering money from drug dealers, etc. to be bothered with a warning about terrorism. At his time it might be well to rethink the hoof and mouth problems that have plagued much of Europe and parts of this country. One might wonder what the "feminists" think of all this.

Some local residents have started to lay in food that will keep for a long time should the terrorists score a major hit that would disrupt food distribution. Now that a "holy war" has been declared against Judaism and Christianity one wonders if the liberals will allow "Onward Christian Soldiers" to be sung again. It has been noted that gun sales are way up and the gun control people are keeping their mouths shut. Apparently they will allow armed U.S. citizens to protect them from the nasties. Ding Altizer, Cap'n & Mrs. Spock were among those calling on Aunt Verda and Uncle Pete this week.

Debbie and JB Griffin celebrated their 5th anniversary on a holiday this year.

Coy Eddy and RP Marks were among those calling on Cap'n and Mrs. Spock at the Burning Springs Space Dock. RP has been helping the Cap'n "restore" an engine to running condition for installation on the Starship Enterprise, which is currently parked at Richard Starcher's Little Creek Space Dock for major repairs to the drive train.

Dalton Levi Griffin has cut his first tooth, at last. His mother, Chris, recently celebrated her birthday.