By Janet Siers

Blaine King drove Daddy and I to Grantsville for Ray's blood work to be sent to his prostate cancer doctor.

Wednesday Heather, Ruby and Ben are coming over to take us to Charleston for Ray's pacemaker in office visit on Wednesday. After all of this, Ray doesn't have to go anywhere until June. He really hates leaving the farm.

Glen Siers stopped by to see Ray, and I said you hit the jack pot, Glen. I was making vegetable soup. No spices, using whatever you have available in the pot, but realized I was out of corn meal. Glen got right up, got his coat, and said I'll go get you some cornmeal. It was good.

I called Aunt Neil. She says that Karen is doing well.

I enjoyed visiting with Mr. Haverty's grandchildren and how they loved watching Bonanza with Ray and told me thanks it was a good western.

While Ben and Heather are here, Ben is going to help ring these shoats noses. It's muddy, cold, and they have to be stopped! They're getting big, and when I climb in the hog house they're rowdy. But I laugh in the face of danger. They're well fed and will make wonderful canned sausage, just like the good ole days.

Have a wonderful week!