Submitted by Alicia N. Swearingen

Arnoldsburg Elementary PTO is sponsoring the Walnut Memorial Church this December in their efforts with a food pantry.

Walnut Memorial Church has been sponsoring a local food pantry every month for over a year. The food they supply goes to help between 30 and 50 different families from our community every month.

However, a couple of months out of the year the organization supplying Walnut with their food shuts down and doesn't give out donations. Unfortunately, those months are November and December. This leaves Walnut Church with the full responsibility of finding food for all of these families.

We all know that everyone deserves and needs food to eat, so the PTO is requesting that the more fortunate come forth with donations for the needy in our own community.

We are asking that nonperishable food items be dropped off at Arnoldsburg Elementary no later than December 20. Alicia Swearingen can be contacted at 655-7529 for further information.

The food pantry will be held on December 22 at the old Minnora School between 9 and 11 a.m. There are no income requirements.

The holidays are usually a very magical time for everyone, but for some, it is a very heartbreaking time. The Arnoldsburg PTO wants to make this a wonderful time for everyone by at least insuring that there will be food on everyones table this Christmas.

We hope God blesses you all, and that you have a very Merry Christmas.