1956 CALHOUN CENTENNIAL: Relive The Heyday Of Calhoun Life

It would be difficult to imagine how people use to turn out to Calhoun events, like the Centennial Parade in Grantsville circa 1956, with people eight-to-ten deep up and down Main Street.

Several thousand showed to a drama performed on the high school football field, representing the history of the county.

It was a time when people were still connected to their roots and community.

The 150th anninversary of the county went by without a whimper.

Here's a flashback to that 1956 event, compliments of Morris Bower.

Parade horse leaves some souvenirs on Main Street

Buggies, bonnets, beards and period clothes, with old
Grantsville bridge (rear photo) at the end of Main Street

Advertising Cook's drive-in movie, open just a few years
in 1956, sign indicating current owner Don Smith of Spencer

Mon Power brought their musical Calliope to the parade