Carlene Frederick and other members of the Calhoun County Board of
Education commented on the spirit brought to the county by two events.
This past week, the huge crowd and excitement of last week's football game
between Wirt and Calhoun and the "Light's On!" celebration Monday evening
at Calhoun Middle-High School.
Maestro Rachel Worby of the Wheeling Symphony told "Lights On!"
coordinator Tony Russell and administrator Greg Cartwright, the students at
CM/HS were "the best behaved of any entire school group before which she
"I have been all around the world," said Worby. "This is a real tribute to our
students and school system," said Cartwright.
The unofficial minutes of the Monday, October 2 board meeting.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Juanita Berdine, Ralph Cunningham, Richard
Fitzwater, Carlene Frederick, and Burl Simers
Ronald Blankenship, Secretary
The meeting was called to order by President, Richard Fitzwater at 7
Mrs. Berdine moved and Mr. Cunningham seconded that the minutes of the
September 17, 2001 meeting be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Frederick reported on the September 19, 2001 RESA V board
Mr. Cunningham reported on the September 24, 2001 Calhoun-Gilmer Career
Center Administrative Council meeting.
Mr. Cunningham moved and Mrs. Berdine seconded that the following new
business be approved as presented:
A. Volunteer Agreements
1. Nancy Allen - Arnoldsburg School
2. Rick Fitzwater - Arnoldsburg School
3. Mary Grogg - Arnoldsburg School
4. Rose Settle - Arnoldsburg School
B. Student Transfer - Dana Yatauro (grade 11) from Calhoun County to
Ritchie County
C. Out-of-State Conference Requests - Tony Russell and Dan Cosgrove to
Hebron, Kentucky
D. Lights On! Proposals
E. Home-School Requests
1. Cathy Bennett (parent) - Bryan Teehan (9th grade)
2. Anna Huffman (parent - Brian Huffman (7th grade)
Motion carried unanimously.
Upon the Superintendent's recommendation, Mrs. Frederick moved and Mrs.
Berdine seconded that the following matters be approved:
A. Job Postings
1. Half-Time Science Teacher - Calhoun Middle/High School
2. Computer Assistant - Pleasant Hill (Lights On)
3. Computer Assistant - Arnoldsburg (Lights On)
4. Computer Assistant - Calhoun Middle/High (Lights On)
5. Basic Computer Usage - Pleasant Hill (Lights On)
6. Introduction to Microsoft Office - Career Center (Lights On)
7. Basic Web Design - Career Center (Lights On)
8. Basic Internet Use - Career Center (Lights On)
9. High School Recreation - Calhoun High (Lights On)
10. Third Grade - Pleasant Hill School
B. Employment
1. Joanna McKown - Half-Time Science Teacher - Calhoun Middle/High
2. Bonnie Bever - Tutoring Teacher - Arnoldsburg School
3. Darlene Vanhorn - Tutoring Teacher - Pleasant Hill School
4. Daniel Beall - Substitute Teacher
5. Dawaine Cutright - Substitute Bus Operator
6. Chad Bartlett, Instructional Technology Coordinator
C. Retirement - B. Fern Byrd - Effective: October 1, 2001
Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Frederick moved and Mrs. Berdine seconded that the following
financial matters be approved:
A. Invoices - $316,157.77
B. Supplement - $100,000.00
Motion carried unanimously.
1. The Board expressed appreciation to Lights On! for the Wheeling
Symphony performance.
2. Mrs. Frederick discussed the WVSBA New Century Committee.
Mrs. Frederick moved and Mrs. Berdine seconded that the Board enter into
executive session at 7:17 p.m. for discussion of personnel. Motion carried
Mrs. Frederick moved and Mrs. Berdine seconded that the board reconvene
in regular session at 7:32 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Berdine moved and Mr. Cunningham seconded that the meeting adjourn
at 7:33
p.m. with the next meeting October 15, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pleasant Hill
School. Motion carried unanimously.
Others Present:
Patrick Bell
Bob Weaver