Calhoun's Jason Brewer among those activated
At least ten members of the 305th Military Police Unit located at Big Bend in Calhoun
County were called to active duty yesterday. The soldiers left the Big Bend armory
yesterday evening for headquarters in Wheeling. They will be sent to Ft. Gordon,
Georgia with other members of their unit.
Group poses for departing photo at Big Bend
Spc. Tim Morris says good-bye to Kristin Mitchell of Morgantown
Jason Brewer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rick Brewer of Grantsville, was the only Calhoun
resident in the group. For many years the 305th had up to 125 local members, but
now they originate from Morgantown to Charleston.
The activation is in response to the pending military maneuvers and the terrorist attack on
America on September 11.
Derek Bailey of Wirt County
Meberg Family of Charleston
Retired Col. Richard Jarvis recalls 305th's history
Retired Col. Richard Jarvis, a Grantsville pharmacist, recalled the 305th located in
Calhoun in the early 1960's. "Originally the unit was the 230th MP platoon," Jarvis
said. The unit was never activated for a military crisis. "It was nearly all local men,
like one big family. Most of them stuck," he said.
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