Parkersburg, WV - At its October meeting, the SSJCF Board of Directors approved the grant review committee's recommendations to fund 30 nonprofit agencies in the Mid Ohio Valley requesting support for projects designed to create healthy and sustainable communities by promoting wholistic health, advocating collaborative efforts, and demonstrating growth or expansion. Nearly one-half million dollars will be disbursed among the following agencies:

Creed Collins Elementary School -- Pennsboro, WV; $4,350.00 Preschool Playground Equipment: Toward the purchase of age-appropriate playground equipment for CCE's kindergarten and preschool children; the last phase of a major playground renovation/improvement project that is also open to the residents in the area.

Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston -- Parkersburg, WV; $12,737.00 Vicariate - Peace & Justice Committee: Appreciative Inquiry Training: Partial funding for an Appreciative Inquiry Training and consultation that will be part of a four-stage process in "pilot" communities to discover and build on local successes to improve the health of the senior population.

Easter Seals Central & Southeast Ohio, Inc. -- Marietta, OH; $7,500.00 Expanded Equipment / Home Modification: Toward the purchase of adaptive equipment, thus expanding its outreach to adults and clients.

Family Crisis Intervention Center -- Parkersburg, WV; $5,500.00 Center Renovations - Equipment: Toward the purchase of kitchen and laundry equipment as part of the renovations to this emergency shelter for women and their children who are victims of abuse.

First Presbyterian Church -- Parkersburg, WV; $1,500.00 Kids Hope USA - Program Expansion: Funding to offset the cost of training five mentors and implement a hygiene awareness program at Franklin Elementary.

Gabriel Project of West Virginia -- Parkersburg, WV; $30,000.00 Program Expansion and Development: A three-year grant for salary support of the chapter coordinator, to purchase tangible items for clients, to provide transportation to clients, and to offset necessary administrative costs.

Jackson County Commission on Aging, Inc. -- Ripley, WV; $2,750.00 Ravenswood Senior Center - Pool Improvements: Toward the purchase of an appropriate PA system used during its water exercise program for seniors, including those with disabilities.

Little Muskingum Volunteer Fire Department -- Marietta, OH; $6,700.00 Jaws of Life: Toward the purchase of updated "Jaws of Life" rescue equipment for this VFD serving rural southeastern Ohio.

Lubeck Community Civic Center Association -- Washington, WV; $6,000.00 Community Center - Renovations: Funding toward the materials needed to renovate this community center in Wood County, WV.

MOV Fellowship Home -- Parkersburg, WV; $15,000.00 Linda's House: Funding to match federal grant monies to purchase and renovate property for a six-month residential facility for women without children to ensure abstinence for domestic violence victims who risk homelessness.

My Sister's Place - Edna Brooks Foundation -- Athens, OH; $20,000.00 Facility Repairs: Toward the repairs and renovations of this domestic violence shelter located in Athens, Ohio.

OSU Extension--Meigs County -- Pomeroy, OH; $20,000.00 Family Nutrition Program: Two-year funding for the expansion of nutrition programming to those participants not currently served.

Parkersburg Area Community Foundation -- Parkersburg, WV; $30,000.00 Women's HealthCare Careers Education Scholarships: A challenge grant specifically designated for scholarships for non-traditional women students in health-related fields of study.

Parkersburg Day Nursery -- Parkersburg, WV; $3,600.00 Expansion for Infant Care: Toward the purchase of cribs and equipment needed to expand its infant program.

Parkersburg YMCA -- Parkersburg, WV; $11,500.00 Controlled Entry Access - Full Day Child Care: Toward the renovations needed to improve security for the child-care areas.

Ritchie County Primary Care -- Harrisville, WV; $25,000.00 Computerized Radiography System: Toward the purchase of a digital x-ray machine for this primary care clinic serving Ritchie and surrounding counties.

Sistersville General Hospital -- Sistersville, WV; $7,000.00 Mobile Asthma Unit and Education: Funding toward the purchase of a mobile asthma education and treatment center in order to provide healthcare to asthma patients unable to travel.

St. Marys United Methodist Church -- St. Marys, WV; $9,500.00 Pleasants County Neighbor Network: Toward the purchase of computer and office equipment used to promote and increase public awareness about this agency serving those in need and/or in crisis living in Pleasants and surrounding counties.

The ARC of Wood County -- Parkersburg, WV; $30,000.00 Health and "Wellth" Program Expansion: Two-year funding to assist with the health programming, designed to empower its clients to improve their physical and holistic health.

Volunteer Action Center -- Parkersburg, WV; $8,000.00 FaithLink: Salary support for the Service Coordinator and Community Liaison who works with area churches, providing a network of volunteer services to the elderly, chronically ill, and disabled.

Washington County Health Department -- Marietta, OH; $10,000.00 Living Insurance for Employees (LIFE): To support collaborative program designed to promote healthier lifestyles in employees of Washington County and their families.

Wayside United Methodist Church -- Vienna, WV; $2,500.00 Nonviolent Atonement Seminar - Peacemaking Conference: Funding to offset the expenses of sponsoring an ecumenical Peacemaking Conference, presenting Christian philosophy on peacemaking and nonviolent atonement.

WV Health Right, Inc. -- Charleston, WV; $15,000.00 Dental Supplies: Proportional funding for dental supplies for this free dental clinic that serves a significant percentage of MOV residents.

EVE, Inc. -- Marietta, OH; $12,500.00 Transitional Housing Program Support: Salary and service support for Transitional Housing Program.

MOV Health Department -- Parkersburg, WV; $55,000.00 Oral Health Improvement Initiatives: Salary support for an oral health improvement coordinator serving the MOV and in conjunction with Wood County Schools.

SW Resources -- Parkersburg, WV; $17,000.00 Auto-Bagger-Printer: Toward the purchase of equipment enabling the agency to expand employment of clients by increasing contracts with companies.

Wirt County Health Services -- Elizabeth, WV; $52,740.00 Wirt County School-Based Clinic: A two-year grant for salary and staff support, enabling the clinic to be open full time during school hours for students, faculty, staff, and families.

Kanawha Pastoral Center -- Charleston, WV; $15,200.00 River Valley HWC - Pastoral Counseling: Funding to subsidize counseling and expenses, enabling continued and expanded services for residents in the Jackson County area.

WV Council of Churches -- Charleston, WV; $25,000.00 WV for Affordable Health Care: Public Education -- Blueprint for Reform: To offset costs of a study designed to project realistic costs of various proposals to expand health insurance coverage in WV as a means to collaborate with business, labor, and the public sector.

Pleasants County Middle School -- Belmont, WV; $3,000.00 Indoor Climbing Wall: Toward the purchase and installation of an indoor climbing wall, which will be used in conjunction with the school's physical activity programs and are available to other youth groups during after-school hours.

Since opening its doors a decade ago, the Sisters of St. Joseph Charitable Fund has partnered with more than 300 nonprofit agencies in an eleven-county area. These partnerships reflect approximately 9.5 million dollars in support for projects and programs designed to promote wholistic health in the Mid Ohio Valley. These collaborative relationships are and continue to be, "wonderful partnerships at work," says Tom Whittier, SSJCF Board Chair. "The SSJCF provides funding to agencies positioned to use these grants to keep on giving by giving back to our communities. The results are heart-warming - and certainly a cause for celebration."

As the SSJCF celebrates and acknowledges the efforts of these very dedicated agencies, "we also look forward to continuing our support and partnership with organizations focused on removing the obstacles that prevent people from accessing the health care that they need and providing support and resources needed to develop healthier lifestyles," says Sister Jane Harrington, SSJCF Executive Director. "Working together in such a way is not only a way to maximize limited resources, it is an excellent way to engage the community in on-going efforts that result in significant - often life changing - improvements."

Spring 2008 Cycle Opens December 1, 2007 Starting December 1, 2007, The Sisters of St. Joseph Charitable Fund will begin accepting Letters of Inquiry for the Spring 2008 cycle. Letters will be accepted until 3 p.m. on January 9, 2008. To be eligible for consideration the organization must be a non-profit or public agency with tax-exempt status (or community-based group sponsored by such an agency), whose project or proposal is consistent with the Fund's guiding principles. The project or proposal must directly and clearly relate to health and wellness, address one of three funding programs (Community Support; Health Ministry Initiative, or More Active People Initiative); and, take place in and benefit the residents of one or more of the following counties: Calhoun, Jackson, Pleasants, Ritchie, Tyler, Wood, Wirt, and Roane in West Virginia, and Athens, Meigs, and Washington of Ohio.

All letters must be in the Charitable Fund office no later than 3 p.m. on January 9. There are specific instructions for completing a Letter of Inquiry and applicants are encouraged to call the Charitable Fund office (304-424-6080) for guidelines about the procedures to complete this first step in the application process. Applicants may also obtain this information from the SSJCF website at