LITTLE KANAWHA LONGBEARDS NEED MEMBERS - National Wild Turkey Federation Local Chapter

The Little Kanawha Longbeards chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation needs to recruit new committee members.

Without new committee members, the future of our chapter is in question.

For the past five years, the Little Kanawha Longbeards have enjoyed hosting a super-fund banquet, JAKES event and donated numerous turkeys at Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, we may have had our last banquet in April, 2007.

If you want to become an active member and have an interest in helping with the future banquets, other events and the National Wild Turkey Federation, please call Brad Lay at 354-6411, Bruce Fitzwater at 354-0220 or Danny Self at 462-8092.

To learn more about the National Wild Turkey Federation,
JAKES & XTREME JAKES programs see