By Kathleen H. Taylor
Welcome and thank you for stopping by.
Last week I got credit for writing a different article. As much as I would like to accept credit for something I didn't do, this was clearly not my material. We've received a million calls concerning this article. Some messages began, "we read your article and wanted to call you".
Immediately, I was on an ego trip. I thought I was going to get a high five for my Beason article. This was not the case at all. The messages continued with "we saw you had donkeys for sale." Talk about making the wind come out of my sails. Anyway, we don't have any donkeys for sale. I can sell you some cows that don't belong to me. Perhaps a mentally challenged dog that seems to claim me. Well, you know what they say, "birds of a featherâ¦"
I recently had an amazing online experience. A few weeks ago I began writing for an online publication. In order to write, I needed to submit a bio. Someone that read that bio knew my parents while in college. He then contacted me. He was more acquainted with my Dad through their involvement with the college newspaper.
He sent me some photos as well as filled in some blanks that I have had over the years. I just wish that I knew the same person he did. However, I am so very grateful for everything he shared with me concerning my Dad. People like that don't come along every day and it means so much to me. If he happens to be reading this, Thank you!
Birthday wishes go out to Annie and Bobby Sparks. May you live a long and wrinkle-free life!
I have a "blond" experience to share. Let me set the scene for you. I had an important appointment on Friday morning (these things always happen when one is dressed for success). I was cruising down my driveway to the fence. A cow that dislikes me felt the need to wait for me there. She seemed to be daring me to open it. Like a fool, I did and she took out of the fence. So, I went after her in high heels through mud and rocks. Definitely a Kodak moment.
Personally, I think that cow pre-planned the whole ordeal. I hope she pre-planned her trip to the freezer as well. I think my in-laws have come to the conclusion I have no cattle skills. No hope for me at all.
The Ritchie Rebs travel to Clay this Friday night (9/7). Hopefully, there will be a good crowd showing their support.
There will be an estate sale on White Pine Road in Calhoun County. The items belonged to relatives of mine that were killed in a tragic accident. The items to be auctioned include a '68 Galaxy and farm equipment. The auctioneer said it was to be an exceptional sale. I think it would be worth the trip to Calhoun County. I promise you we are not contagious. At least there is no documented evidence to prove it.
Be on the lookout for an update on the Rainbow Grange Basket Longaberger Bingo.
Remember to submit any news; no matter how big or small, I appreciate it all.
Health and happiness for the upcoming week. |