PRIZE WINNERS NAMED - Melissa Oshoway Memorial Easter Egg Hunt


Grand prize winners of bicycles donated by Spencer
Wal-Mart were Sally Morris (L) and Rebecca Rhodes (R)

Left - Brandon Hacker won an Easter basket bigger
than himself. Right - Keyana Pettry (R) and Keisha
Lamp won baskets donated by Acorn Valley Gift Baskets

The Melissa Oshoway Memorial Easter Egg Hunt was held Saturday at Wayne Underwood Field in Grantsville.

Despite cold temps and snow flurries, children, parents and volunteers came out to the 13th annual event for children ages 0-12 years old.

John Oshoway and his wife Sue sponsor the annual event. The egg hunt has continued after the tragic death of their daughter, and is now named in her memory.

Two thousand plastic eggs were hidden - 1,000 each for the younger and older children. Assisting the Oshoway's this year was Amber Ganoe, June Godfrey, Rue and Sheila Brannon, Teresa Robinson and Dottie Nemitz.

The First Baptist Church "E-Lemonade-Ors" Relay for Life team sold food and drinks, with proceeds going to the American Cancer Society.

Volunteers (L-R front) Amber Ganoe, June Godfrey,
Sheila and Rue Brannon (back) John and Sue Oshoway,
not pictured are Dottie Nemitz and Teresa Robinson

E-Lemonade-Or's (L-R) Helen Johnson, Paige
Johnson, Faye Fitzwater and Teresa Robinson