CALHOUN BOYS TO MEN - 230th-305th Get-Together March 3


230th MP Platoon, Grantsville, West Virginia - Taken at Calhoun High School 1975

Front (L-R) Lieutenant Matson, Pat Reale, Jack Bush, Don Bush

2nd row (L-R) George Hardman, Mitch Nicholas, Gary Ferrell, Nolan Hayes, Steve Wilmoth, Mike Stalnaker, Mike McCartney, Terry Dye, Larry Harris

3rd row (L-R) Dick Jarvis, Bill Cunningham, Junior Reed, unknown, John Hayner, Larry McCallister, Ron Blankenship, Russ Ferrell, unknown

4th row (L-R) Tom Gainer, Roger Propst, Earl Hall, Larry Burrows, unknown, Roger Bush, Dale Cunningham, Steve Sams, Roger Wilson, Phillip Earl

Back (L-R) Jack Barnes, Rodney Bush, Randy Jarvis, Gaylen Duskey, Paul Mollohan, Lee Bennett, Kenny Fisher, Clarke Wilson

(Photo courtesy of Dick Jarvis)

If you know the identification of the un-named, please e-mail the Herald and we'll add them to the photo ...


The members of Calhoun's old 230th Military Police platoon and its successor, the 305th MP company, will have a get-together Saturday, March 3rd at the Lick Run Hunting Clubhouse near Rt. 5-Gilmer County line starting at 2 p.m.

"The roster of soldiers in the unit is pretty large," according to Russ Ferrell, who with Tom Carper, is trying to bring unit members together with the notion of planning a bigger reunion.

The original artillery and military police unit was located in Grantsville, and later moved to Mt. Zion and Big Bend.

Calhoun Superintendent of Schools Ron Blankenship was once a company commander. "I think the unit started in the early 60s, and at one time was well over-strength with over a hundred men."

"It's quite a list of men," Blankenship said.

Ferrell said early-on the platoon went to Honduras, Panama and Germany on special duty.

"These men are scattered all over the country," Ferrell said, "We hope they'll take some time to re-unite."

For further information, please contact Tom Carper 304-354-7722 or Russ Ferrell 304-354-7540.