
Technology Integration Specialists Bonnie Sands (left) gives
board members a lesson about monarch butterflies, while Vicki
Baker (right) says teachers are excited about possibilities

By Bob Weaver

Members of the Calhoun County Board of Education learned about the latest 21st Century technology in the county's three schools.

Technology Integration Specialists Vicki Baker and Bonnie Sands demonstrated several functions of the new whiteboards, which are being placed in every county classroom.

Baker said teachers are beginning to use dozens of different functions and teaching resources related to everything from math and science to history and music.

The whiteboards use a ceiling mounted projector, with computers wall mounted near the screen.

Information or specialized teaching aids can be accessed from the Internet, allowing teachers to customize their own material.

The boards are inter-active, allowing students to participate in learning projects.

The whiteboard technology has integrated most of the audio-visual aids used in classrooms during the past 100 years, taking it to a higher level.

Wireless service has been installed in the schools and each teacher has their own laptop computer.