Grantsville attorney H. John Oshoway was in surgery Friday in a Columbus, Ohio hospital and is facing an additional surgery Sunday and reconstructive surgery Tuesday.
Oshoway's arm received severe trauma when his vehicle struck a road bank at Burning Springs last Tuesday evening.
"John has a very positive attitude. He is willing to accept whatever happens,
but insists that he will play the piano again," said his wife, Sue Oshoway.
"We feel very blessed because his life was spared and even though his arm is
terribly damaged, we know that things could have been much worse.
thank God for our blessings and we need everyone to continue praying for John's recovery," she said.
Oshoway was returning from Wood County Circuit Court when the accident happened. He reportedly told family members that a deer or other animal came into the highway from the lower side, Oshoway then swerved his truck, crashing against the road bank.
The Oshoway family experienced tragedy in January, 2005, when their daughter Melissa died from injuries received in a car accident.