ITS BEEN A GREAT HUR HERALD YEAR! - Ring The Bell, Here Comes 2007

It has been a great Hur Herald year.

We had about 2,500,000 million visitors in 2006, not only the local and regional readers, but folks from every state in the union and dozens of foreign counties.

We will leave it up to you to decide which stories or photos were most compelling in 2006, most memorable.

The response and comments from our readers continue to increase, making the effort more worthwhile.

It's hard to believe we're in our tenth year, and on-line since 1999.

We've tried to report the news, like it should be reported in any community.

At the same time making an effort to record the life and times of people, promote their efforts and causes and contribute to the general well-being of our community.

There were over 3,500 stories on the Herald's front page during 2006, reporting some tragic events, but mostly reporting positive happenings.

You'll find thousands of celebrations, sports events, personal interest stories, opinion pieces and historical accounts.

There are thousands and thousands of photos on the Herald, from the earliest days of Calhoun's creation to last weeks Christmas programs.

Much of what is on the Herald has drawn interest from a new group of readers, urbanites, none connected to the county, but ever curious about life in the hills of West Virginia.

All of those stories and photos are still on the Herald's archives, dating back to January, 2001. The 1999-2000 editions have been placed on a CD.

All the Herald's material has been or will be sent to the WV state archives, for historic preservation.

We suggest you take a little time and look back on our archives, even the guest books.

It may be that much will be removed because of the shear volume of memory on our server.

We are grateful to our readers for the encouragement they have given us and to those who have donated funds.

We are grateful to our writers and columnists, and those who take the time to send news items or news tips.

We wish you all a Happy New Year.