Library is in 38th year of service to community
The future of Calhoun's only public library is at stake in tomorrow's election.
"A library is a vital community service," said Grace Richards, president of the Library Board.
"We respectfully ask the taxpayers for their support for this small levy," she said.
Without local matching funds, the library will not meet its operating costs, and the doors could close.
The passage of the levy tomorrow would cost a Calhoun taxpayer less that the cost of one movie ticket.
The five-year renewal extends library operation through June 30, 2012.
It generates about $30,000 to keep the library doors open.
Passage requires 50%, plus one vote, a simple majority.
A residential home assessed at $40,000 under Class II property or an auto assessed at $20,000 would generate $2.54 per year for the library.
The library provides books, magazines, newspapers, genealogy and historical room, Internet service and dozens of other services.