By Alvin Engelke
By Alvin Engelke
The Creston school homecoming was held Sunday afternoon at the Creston Community Building. Forty-eight folks from far and near came to reminisce and visit. Rev. Gladson Grim, who is residing at a Parkersburg nursing home was on hand as was Roy Peppers from Maryland and Helen Elliot's brother, Mr. Jarvis the famous wood carver who came up from Florida just for the gathering. Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Henthorne and comely daughter from the Zanesville area came and shared photographs of Ella & Ira Baker and daughters Greta & Mary, among others. Ted Grim came down from Erie Pennsylvania.
Pauline Cline reported that her sister Hazel Powell's husband is still on the sick list.
The comely Hope Starcher drew the winning ticket for the friendship quilt which was won by Nellie Feick, daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs. Ray Wix. To say that she was elated would have been somewhat of an understatement. "I am lucky", she said.
A number of area residents attended and participated in the Wirt County Fair which must have set a record for attendance with big crowds for the "Wirt County Idol" contest and the mud bog (not that other events were sparsely attended).
Sierra Dooley and Sarah Clark won ribbons for their poultry exhibits while first time exhibitor, Lyndsey Miller, had the reserve champion replacement heifer. She and sister Emma both had hogs and heifers in the sale & Creston Well Service's summer employee Andrew Schreckengost had the reserve champion lamb & Joe Pennington won a four-wheeler.
The queen, Jordan Beckett, was Jane Engelke's little miss ten years ago and Adam Fontaine had the grand champion market steer. He was Jane's little mister back then. The princess, Sammi Jo Harris is Matt Shimer's daughter and Sierra Starcher did a fine job in the Little Miss Contest while Mr. & Mrs. C. Romeo Griffin Jr.'s son participated in the Little Mister contest.
Folks who attended the fair reported having a good time. Raymond Franklin Frazier talked about his experiences after he roomed with Mrs. Angelina Cottrill at Glenville and several asked about why the Elizabeth newspaper quit featuring the Creston News column.
State Sen. Donna Boley, Delegate Larry Border and W. Va. Sec. of State Betty Ireland were all in attendance at the fair as were representatives of the W. Va. Dept. of Agriculture, Roy Matheny and Joe Messineo. Retired UPS man James Marion was also at the fair campaigning for the legislature.
Larry Suthpin noted that he had retired from the highway department and is now drawing $3,000/month. Cosmo, the well-traveled pooch who once was stranded on outside of the 9th floor of a Charleston hotel, attended the queen's contest.
Jeremy Ferrell accepted employment with the carnival that was at the fair.
Rev. Juanita Lockhart filled her regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. church.
Susan Myers was visiting Nancy Engelke.
It was learned that prominent Deaver's Fork resident Duane Spencer "broke his teeth". One can easily guess that there is lots more to that story and, sooner or later, the facts will surface.
Don Rhodes's renters, the Nichols family, have taken to riding around in the late evening on their four wheeler and then they drove their old pickup down on the island near the mouth of Little Creek & got it hung up. They were finally able to get someone to extricate the chariot.
Charlie Menefee attended the Wirt County fair.
The price of local Penn grade crude was $70.25/bbl on Saturday although gasoline in Elizabeth was less that $2.82/gallon.
Several local residents looked at the old Raleigh Hotel in Elizabeth which had the roof blown off during Monday's storm. The old structure has been home for the Hope Shop and the newspaper for some time but it is now said, "The building is ruined".
Nancy Hall is scheduled to start treatments Monday.
A number of local residents, both young and not so young, have discovered that wood ticks have become attached as ectoparasites. It is feared that one young lady has come down with Lyme's disease, a nasty tick carried disease.
Eva G. Pennington was attending to business in Dunbar.
The supreme ruler of Iran announced that on the 22nd there will be a big surprise and the sky over Jerusalem will be lit up for all to see. At the same time there are some in America who do not believe there is a worldwide terror war, one front of which is in Iraq while another is in Afghanistan, another in Israel, another in the Philippines, one on the home front, etc. The war was brought all to close to home when two Mohammedans were picked up in Marietta Ohio with 600 cell phones in their chariot along with cash, wacky terbacky and such. One of them was a football star at the Ali Akbar high school in Dearborn Michigan. It seems that the chips in the telephones are one of the components of the roadside bombs used in Iraq and elsewhere so if one sees someone who looks like Achmed, Abdul, Farouk or Osama digging a hole along the road one should act quickly. Many feel that it is long past time to be polite and PC (politically correct) and deal with this enemy as an enemy. Since the terrorists believe that if they "are equalized" they get to go to paradise to meet 72 waiting, willing virgins, their being ventilated by heavy caliber ammo would be "a win win situation" as taught in the paradigm training. Another group buying cell phones was caught with 1000 of them in Michigan and then there were the British based terrorists who planned to blow up 10 airplanes as they came in for landing in American airports. The lily livered liberals who want "tolerance and understanding" might try going to the Sudan and try to protect the Christians there who are being starved, raped and murdered "in the name of Allah & Mohammad, his prophet".
While local post offices have mail delivery only on 6 days, the mail is delivered on Sunday as well. For reasons that were never made clear locally, some baby chickens were delivered on Sunday at the Creston post office and no one was advised. Needless to say, come Monday morning the office "was ripe" and there were not many survivors.
The Hall family reunion was held Sunday at the Senior Citizens building in Elizabeth. The Halls formerly lived on the river across from Route 5 below Creston.
Mrs. S. E. Cooper, Jr. was attending to business in Parkersburg. Bessie Arthur stayed with Edgar while she was away.
The comely Amy N. Ferrell turned 18 and she celebrated with family & friends at a party at the home of J. D. Sutton at Low Gap. Amy is one of the friendly faces at the Mineral Wells Wendy's restaurant.
The Wirt County Farm Bureau will hold its regular monthly meeting at 8 P. M. on Tuesday, August 22 at the fire station in Elizabeth.