MC CUNE "BOY" PASSES ON - Calhoun Farmer: Bruce McCune 1916-2006


"I've had a heck of a life, lived through a lot of
hard times, and lived to tell about it," said Bruce
(Chet Dowell Photo)

By Bob Weaver 2006

Well-known Orma farmer, Bruce McCune has died at age 89, following a truck accident on Munday Road, July 13th. (See Herald story about Calhoun Fatalities)

Bruce and his brother Norville have been frequent subjects of Herald articles, saying they are among the "last of the farmers" in Calhoun County, plus a story about the brothers appeared in Wild Wonderful WV magazine.

Bruce and Norville, when we last visited them with professional photographer Chet Dowell, had pretty much quit farming, but still extolled the practices, customs and ideas associated with life in the backwoods of Calhoun County.

Bruce, not unlike his brother, was a great storyteller.

Bruce said his feet had been injured in more than one accident, and he has a hard time wearing shoes. "But I fixed these to wear around here," he said, showing-off a pair that had sides and toes removed. "They help a lot," he laughed, calling them "town and country shoes."

The McCunes are direct descendants of "ole Peter McCune," who played a significant role in the county's pioneer history.

Dowell, with Bruce's good natured permission,
photographed his "town and country shoes"

Bruce was the son of the late Peter M. and Willa Bourne McCune. He was a US Army veteran of WW II and served in the south Pacific. Beyond being an avid farmer and gardener, he was a former oil field worker and carpenter.

Graveside rites were held at the Orma United Methodist Church Cemetery.

He is survived by his brother, Norville, and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by brothers, Dow, Vance and Ralph and a sister, Stacy Allen.