Judge Thomas Evans III is presiding over circuit court in Grantsville today, commencing at 9 a.m.

- State vs. Joseph McKinney, counselor Rocky Holmes, sentencing

- State vs. Christina Blake, counselor Rocky Holmes, probation revocation

- State vs. Thomas Shock, counselor Loren Howley, suppression hearing

- State vs. Jennifer Jones, counselor Rocky Homes, suppression hearing

- Petition, Argyle Hannah for Robert Hannah, petition to approve sale of real estate, counselors Andrew Woofter and Loren Howley

- Petition, John Zsigray vs. WV DMV, counselors Howard Byler/Janet James, status hearing

- Civil case Larry Lane vs. Everett Lane, counselors Tom Whittier/Loren Howley, receipt of commissioner's report

- Civil case CACV vs. Whytsell, summary judgment, counselor Lisa Lilly/Pro se

- Charles Settles vs. Agnes Schoolcraft, Pro se, magistrate's appeal