By Drew Moody
For the Hur Herald
The Annual Gilmer County 4-H Camp begins Sunday at
the Gilmer County Recreation Center. Activities will be
virtually non-stop until Thursday evening.
The focus at camp is twofold: educational and lots of
activities, according to West Virginia University Extension
Agent Vada Zinn.
"I hope the kids have a good time like I always did," Zinn
said. "I always loved it."
On this year's agenda is golf, outdoor cooking, ceramics,
basketball, a variety of other sports, and swimming.
There's also folk-dancing, storytelling, and a drug dog
demonstration is scheduled.
Participants will be provided three meals a day and two
snacks. A dance will be held the night before the awards
ceremony on June 29.
As of yesterday there were about 80 youth signed up. Twelve
counselors and 20 teachers helping with the programs.
Flight 4-H: Destination Unknown is the theme for this year's
camp. Kristi Messenger created the winning t-shirt design and
all camp fees were waived for her for capturing that honor.
Carl Ballengee, Calhoun County Sheriff is scheduled to visit
with a drug dog and give a demonstration.
And Ilene Evans, from the West Virginia Humanities Council,
is visiting for storytelling and songs.
The WVU Extension Service supports a variety of other projects
including: 4-H, community educational outreach, and a variety
of programs for adults and children.
It's not too late to sign up for 4-H camp. For last minute
registrations call the WVU Extension Office at 462-7061.