Story and Photo by Drew Moody
For the Hur Herald
The Old Country Store, a Glenville landmark, located
on Court Street is getting much needed repairs to the
rotting foundation. When completed the building will be
off the ground and level again as well.
The project has been delayed due to rain and the
West Virginia State Folk Festival, but is now in
the final stages. Weather permitting, work is expected
to be completed this week.
Dean Boggess, left, and brother R.C. Bogess, both of Charleston,
work to level the Old County Store in downtown Glenville
Employees of Bogess House Movers of Charleston even
covered up their work so it wouldn't detract from the festival
last weekend.
Workers took out sandstone piers, removed rotten
wood in the structure, and are now preparing to pour
concrete footers. The footers are around half the outside
perimeter, as well as underneath the building.
To accomplish this, tunnels had to be dug under
parts of the building. Once the concrete dries, blocks
will be laid to support the building.
After completing their work here, the brothers are
heading to Indiana to salvage wrecked railroad cars.