Ryan "Goob" Fitzwater came to the Brooksville Baptist Church during a blood
donor day dedicated to his life, surviving a critical situation after a farm
tractor rolled on him on July 2. Sources said about 150 people came to the
donor station yesterday to give blood in his name.
Ryan "Goob" Fitzwater visits blood station yesterday, along with dad
Rick Fitzwater
Brooksville Baptist was a busy place yesterday, with donors and community
Dozens of church and community volunteers, along with Red Cross workers
manned the stations, welcomed donors, took blood and served snacks. A
Red Cross worker said "Another family like the Fitzwater's will be
celebrating life."
"The turn-out was outstanding," said Sue Williams. More importantly the
occasion was used to welcome "Goob" back to the community, which has
lifted prayers and shown hundreds of individual efforts in support of the
15-year-old and his family. Today, it was in the giving of blood.
Volunteer Glen Fowler stops for a free hot dog
A large turn-out in honor of Ryan Fitzwater