Grantsville's Town Council will be meeting this evening at 7 p.m. regarding the hiring of a new town clerk, in addition to other personnel matters.

The town's new police chief Harry Teare told the council last week he will likely be using more than one officer from Gilmer county to fill a 32-hour-per-week schedule for a second officer to cover the town.

Teare has also been hired as a 32-hour-per-hour chief.

The officer has been on-duty since the Wood Festival, responding to calls and making traffic stops.

A committee was established to study the formation of a municipal court.

Council is moving ahead to obtain grant funding for a $212 million sewage system upgrade, which would require the town to come up with $385,000. The additional cost to consumers is estimated at $1.39 a month.

Council also has projects on the board to upgrade waterlines and improve the storm water system.

Councilman Gaylen Duskey is proposing the passage of a resolution asking Frank Wilson, owner of one of the town's well-known properties, not to demolish it, but to consider other alternatives which would preserve the building.

Wilson plans to demolish the former Stump building, which contains native cut stone, and has been recently occupied by LifeGuard, State Farm Insurance and a large rental apartment above the businesses.

Wilson says he plans to construct a single-story office-business complex.

The July council meeting has been scheduled for July 5.