A COMMUNITY GATHERING ON BEAR RUN - Early Photo Needs Identification


(Photo courtesy of Donna Schoolcraft Brady)

This photo was likely taken about 1900 on or near Orma, Bear Run, Calhoun County. Donna Schoolcraft Brady says the man kneeling in front wearing a black vest is her great-grandfather, Charles Fletcher Schoolcraft, beside him is his wife, Margaret E. (Seabolt) Schoolcraft.

The little girl to the left of Charles is his daughter Mary Jane Schoolcraft and the little girl in front of Margaret another daughter, Manora Schoolcraft.

Standing on right end, 3rd row from front, man with hat on is Peter Preston Schoolcraft, son of Charles F. and Margaret (Seabolt) Schoolcraft; fellow beside him on the end without a hat is "Big" Charley Schoolcraft, son of Rueben and Mary Jane (Seabolt) Schoolcraft.

If anyone could identify others in the photo please email Donna at dbrady5401@direcway.com and bob@hurherald.com