
Caroling At Minnie Hamilton Long Term Care Unit
Front L to R-Taylor Garrett, Aleah Dye, Brandi Whited, Caroline McCumbers and Laura Webb Middle-Mindy McCumbers, Autumn Jones, Cassie Lamont and Valarie Barr Back-Daerra Stull and Courtney Conrad

Collection For Sojourners
Front L to R-Caroline McCumbers, Taylor Garrett, Aleah Dye, Brandi Whited and Laura Webb Back-Courtney Conrad, Daerra Stull, Valarie Barr, Cassie Lamont, Autumn Jones and Mindy McCumbers, not present in photo are Alisha Fulks and Sammy Jones

Submitted by Angela Dye, Brownie Leader

Brownie and Junior Troop 4095 of Calhoun County are learning about making a difference in someone's life? No matter how small one might be they can do something to make life better for people and when they work together they learn teamwork and that they can increase their giving and share in a blessing!

In October they participated in Make A Difference Day In Calhoun County. They collected canned food for CRI to donate to the food pantry in Grantsville. They were recognized with a letter and certificate from WV State Governor Joe Manchin.

December 6, 2005 found them busy turning in items collected for a homeless shelter in Charleston, WV called Sojourners. The troop found out there was a need for socks for these families and wanted to surprise them with a donation for Christmas including toys for the children. They collected 92 pairs of socks for children, women and men along with 32 small toys, 14 pairs of gloves, 4 hats, 4 pairs of slippers, 2 pairs of shoes, and a book bag along with 8 children's books.

Also, on December 6, 2005 they went to the Long Term Care Unit at Minnie Hamilton Health Care Center and sang Christmas carols for the residents. They did a wonderful job and were so happy to make Christmas a little brighter! All of the girls signed a Christmas card for each resident as well.

On Sunday, December 18, 2005 Girl Scouts of Calhoun County had their Christmas Banquet at the Calhoun County Committee on Aging and had an investiture/re-dedication ceremony for the girls along with recognizing their accomplishments and giving them gifts and nut incentives. The girls and their families had a nice meal together.

Merry Christmas to Calhoun County from Brownie and Junior Troop 4095!