By Gaylen Duskey

The young Calhoun Red Devils of first-year coach Chip Westfall will try again for their first win of the season ... weather permitting.

Calhoun opened its season Tuesday night with a 69-37 loss to powerful Saint Marys but the game did give fans a first look at a couple of promising freshmen players - Tessa Batten and Whitley Church.

While all-state candidate junior Dani Church led the Red Devils with 19; Batten added 12 and Whitley Church four. Junior center Courtney McKown (6-0) added two.

The Red Devils are scheduled to travel to Ravenswood tonight for a game against the other Red Devils.

Calhoun has four seniors including Casey Westfall, Kara Sears, Amanda Richards and Katie Walker. Richards is a forward and the other three are guards.

The Red Devils have four juniors including Natasha (Tosh) Shock, Grace Keaffaber, McKown and Dani Church.

Sophomores include Melissa Jarvis, Stephanie Stacy and Krista Moss. Batten and Whitley Church are freshmen.

The Red Devils do not have much height other than McKown with the next tallest player being Moss (5-8) who plays backup to McKown.

Dani Church, Shock and Richards play in the front court with all the rest listed as back court players.

Following tonight's game the Red Devils are home to Braxton County next Tuesday.