
(L-R) Beth Richards, Eva Richards and Florence Parsons

Submitted by Carlene Frederick

Three Calhoun RAZE members attended the State RAZE-ON June 12 through 14, at the University of Charleston.

RAZE is the West Virginia youth anti-tobacco program, which has a membership of over 3,000 youth. Since RAZE began in 2001 teen tobacco use has decreased 35%.

RAZE members from across the state came to have fun and learn from nationally acclaimed speakers.

Speakers attending were Dr. Peter DeBemedotos, Allan Landers and Sam Allen and MTV's Yes Duffy, who helped emcee the event.

Those attending participated in rotating sessions of Media Literacy, Clean Indoor Air, Art Activism, Street Marketing, and "Things" going on in other states. They also attended the West Virginia Power baseball game and enjoyed a picnic dinner and "Commotion" activities at Power Park.

In addition there was a TAC election held and an ice cream social and yearbook signing. The event was video taped and each participant received a copy.

Carlene Frederick, Calhoun RAZE Adviser attended as a chaperon.