Grantsville's incumbent Mayor Neil Blankenship was re-elected for a second two-year term by town voters.
There are 265 registered voters in the town which has a population of less than 600.
While Blankenship had no opponent on the ballot, Michelle Yatauro was a write-in candidate.
Blankenship received 44 votes and Yatauro received 36 for mayor.
Incumbent town recorder Phyllis Maze was defeated by Roger Propst 48-42.
The five council members that filed were elected:
JoAnn Stevens 70
Charles Whipkey 67
Wilbert Kirby 58
Cheryl Davis 61
Robert Gaylen Duskey 46
Write-in votes for mayor Tim Davis 2, Gaylen Duskey 1 and Larry Beall 1.
Write-in votes for council, Roger Propst 1.