"OH, GOD, RANDY, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO" - Hanna Exclaims After Shooting Husband

A man found shot to death on Grannies Creek last Sunday in Roane County was killed by his wife, according to Todd Cole, Roane County Sheriff.

Kimberly Hanna, 34, of Walton is now in South Central Regional Jail on a murder charge.

She had been arrested earlier on a violation of a federal firearms charge.

Police say Hanna shot her husband, Randy, in the back and face with a 12-gauge shotgun after an argument.

Police reports confirmed what a neighbor reported to the Herald, the couple got into a loud argument. The argument ended, according to Roger Hudson, when Kimberly Hanna fired the shots.

The woman then bent over the shot man and said "Oh God, Randy, I don't know what to do." She covered the victim's body with a piece of tin.

The couple, according to a police report, began arguing while collecting lumber on an old farm.

Kimberly Hanna, who had previously won thousands of dollars in lottery money drove away. She was later arrested in a Kanawha City motel.