Extracted From Grantsville Town Council Minutes
Grantsville's Town Council voted to close the municipal pool during their meeting Monday evening. (SEE earlier HH story).
Frank Venezia representing the Town Hall Committee advised that the engineering firm hired by council will meet with members soon, in preparation of developing a drawing for a new facility. Venezia said about $8000 had been raised for its construction.
Tom Degen from the Solid Waste Authority spoke to the council about re-cycling and Lisa Laughlin said efforts could be made to get youth involved in re-cycling projects. JoAnn Dunn and Michelle Smith from the SWA invited citizens to stop and visit the operation.
Robert Marks complained again about his water bill and was told he could file a complaint with the PSC.
Helen Morris advised there would be a meeting April 11 in the courthouse at 7 p.m. to form a recycling committee.
Mayor Blankenship said he was going to work with Hardman Supply to recycle cardboard. He said the old water tanks on the town hall lot have almost been removed and the town received $100 for scrap metal.
The mayor said water leaks had been repaired near Hardman Supply and more cold patch had been put down to fill pot holes.
Recorder Phyllis Maze said the town's budget had been mailed on March 23.
A second reading on an Election Day Ordinance to change the date to the state calendar was approved.
Discussion was around creating a Storm Sewer Improvement Committee, with Keith Smith and Loretta Stevens being placed on the committee.
Council voted to hire a part-time sewer department worker, amending the budget.
Attending, Mayor Blankenship, Recorder Maze, council members JoAnn Stevens, Charles Whipkey, Keith Smith, Loretta Stevens and Cheryl Davis, also Kevin Postalwaite, city attorney.
Visitors, Frank Venezia, Doug Davis, Roger Propst, Reed Bennett, Helen Hamilton, Mary Zimmer, Peig Schmidt, Judy Powell, Lisa Minney, Helen Morris, Diana Bailey, Don Kelley, Michelle Smith, Tom Degen, Lisa Laughlin, Dave Trippett, JoAnn Dunn and Jeff Himes. |