By Alvin Engelke

By Alvin Engelke

Roy E. Connolly, Sr., age 80, passed away. He was a son of Frank and Roxie Blosser Connolly. He was a brother of Frankie Mowrey.

Former Creston resident Johnny Mahoney, age 78, passed away. He had been living at the Miletree rest home in Spencer.

Johnny Ray DeBerry passed away. He was well known in the area for his auto body work.

Some local residents were saddened at the death of likely the best pope in at least 1000 years. He was not PC and refused to ignore Biblical truths that the Marxists wanted ignored. He, along with President Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. destroyed the old Soviet Union (USSR) without firing a shot. Unfortunately, the communists just changed their names and went to work for various UN and U S Government agencies, universities and "non-profit" foundations. One of them recently bragged about foisting "campaign finance reform" on America using big bucks from only 3 foundations which were spread through some universities, NPR and other toadies.

In view of becoming a pappy, Don Rhodes has accepted employment taking down and moving trailers. Presently he has two rental trailers in Creston.

Hallie Cunningham is able to be back home again.

Stacy Parsons was visiting Amy N. Ferrell.

Rev. Paul Williams filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. church. He also announced that there would be monthly sings the first Saturday of each month at the Burning Springs church. The April 2 sing was reported to have been a great success.

The telephone company was in Creston and set two poles to replace ones that were destroyed during timber operations which are still ongoing.

C. Glen Arthur and Jeff Westfall traded automobiles. Those calling on Glen also included Jeannie Westfall, Butch & Judy Goodnight.

Curious minds are wondering how Jeff Westfall ended up with a "bruise" on his neck.

J. Lynch, Jr. was calling on Dorine Parsons.

Alley Oop was visiting Donna Sue Ferrell, Mary Reno and Freda Westfall.

Anna Engelke went on a work related dinner cruise on the Potomac River in Washington, Dee Cee.

Denver and Tammy McFarland, Mr. & Mrs. I. J. Lynch, Jr., Luke & Levi, Hoss, Tara, Dakota & Brittany Donley, Stephen Settle and Megan Bumgarner were dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. I. J. Lynch, Sr. over Easter weekend.

A bridal shower was held Sunday for Jackie Sue Boggs.

The Wirt road crew graded the road up on Creston Heights. Charles Russell noted that the potholes were getting too deep and asked that it be worked.

The Calhoun road crew cleaned up the slip that came in the road up near Blacksnake.

Spring continues to abound in the Creston area although there was almost snow & rain continues to be in abundance. The government ladybugs (Asiatic beetles) are coming out of hibernation and tormenting people and the government decreed fast time has now played havoc with residents' diurnal periodicity. Ramps are said to be up although some have yet to come through the ground.

Eliot and Charles White, Garry Anderson and Rod Lynch got together at the auction Saturday evening at Creston and the discussion came round to the big poker run on April 16. Rod made a point to say, "Have a full tank of fuel!" Several folks from the Spencer area are planning on having a day of fun at Creston too.

Roger and Mariam Graham of Pennsylvania and their son David, wife and 3 daughters were calling on Dorothy Graham who is now back home. This was the first time she had seen David's youngest daughter. The Keystone crew also visited relatives in Newark.

Steve (Dan) Graham who works for the City of Parkersburg engineering department was doing some surveying with P.E. Graham over the weekend in Creston.

Dorothy spent a week staying with Candace Merrill who is Marion Boice's daughter and a registered nurse. Dorothy consulted with the new oriental doctor at the Coplin clinic and now has her meds better under control. She also visited with Mr. & Mrs. Dale Schrader and Mr. & Mrs. Tim Kemp and daughters. Dorothy noted that Candace fetched her a new mattress and box springs as her old one was in bad shape.

Alvin Wiles was attending to business in Grantsville one day last week.

Glen Arthur had a fine bunch of roosters and they went about looking for eligible hens. They checked out Euell Russell's hen house but, alas, no pullets were to be found. They even crossed the Little Creek bridge and went up in the woods looking. Glen decided that the slogan, "A chicken in every pot" was a good one so he, and guests, have been dining on rooster.

Former Little Creek residents Mr. & Mrs. Larry Arthur were calling on relatives and friends in Creston Saturday evening.

Local residents were more than a little upset to find that there was a double or triple (depending upon if the woman was pregnant) murder over on Left Reedy (above Sheppard's Ford) in Wirt County.

The price of local Penn grade crude rose $2/bbl Saturday to $54/bbl. Those who attended an oilman's meeting in Columbus Ohio were told that the price would likely go to more that $80/bbl and the folks down at Ohio Oil Gathering's Brooksville station (the old Eureka facility) were told that they would be hiring more men and getting more trucks to haul oil. Albert Gore, Jr. and others who were unhappy that gasoline prices were low should now be happy although they did not factor in the Chinese factor when determining fuel prices.

It should be noted that those who wanted Terri Schaivo dead are the same ones who do not want to reform Social Security, a Marxist Ponzi scheme that was started in this country in the 1930s. Could it be that the way "they save social security" is mercy killing of all the aged and infirm. Their idols the communist Chinese did it not so many years back and "hero" Uncle Joe Stalin killed millions and millions in the old USSR including several million in the Ukraine by depriving them of the food that they had previously grown.

Euell Russell visited a Grantsville tonsorial parlour.

Alfred Kight, Dayton Hicks and Edward Piggott were all attending to business in Creston over the weekend.