
The old Minnora School property has been sold to the Calhoun County Committee on Aging for $50,000.

The Building Commission met yesterday at 4 p.m. to consider at least three options presented to them by the Calhoun Commission, a direct sale to the CCCOA for $50,000, putting the property on the auction block for a minimum bid of $50,000 or other options to dispose of the property.

Three of five building commissioners, Dan McDonald, Bill Jarvis and Randy Ball voted to sell to the CCCOA, a sale permissible under the law.

"The senior center is excited about owning the property and the challenge of using it for the community," said CCCOA Director Mike Ritchie.

Ritchie said he plans to schedule a community meeting, and hopes that local residents will come.

"We need community support and manpower, and are hopeful our new Senior Center and the entire property will become an asset in years to come," he said.

"I know that some events have already been planned for the property, and we'll see what we can do to help," Ritchie said.

Ritchie said he regrets that hard feelings had to surface over the sale. "I hope we'll all look back and say it was a good thing," he concluded.

Calhoun Commissioner Rick Sampson said "Looking at all the options, I really believe the senior center owning the property gives us the most opportunity to help the community."