
Calhoun school board visits reading lab learning stations

Pleasant Hill School gave the Calhoun County Board of Education an update on the academic progress of their students during a special meeting Monday night at the school.

Steve Whited gave the LSIC (Local School Improvement Council) report, and Kelli Whytsell reported on reading tests.

Principal Larry Stinn (pictured left) gave an update on how students are taught in different subjects and how improvement is measured.

Pleasant Hill School was designated as a School of Excellence in 2004.

Superintendent Ron Blankenship and school board members, Carlene Frederick, Don Harris, Cynthia Dale, Rick Fitzwater and Joy Starcher, took a tour of reading stations, demonstrating how skill levels are increased.

Conner Ritchie demonstrates computer
station to Stinn (left) and Blankenship (right)

Adrian Shimer (left) and Emily Wilson (right)
work at learning station with Mrs. Becky Miller