Submitted by Coach Hixon

Calhoun Middle School Wrestlers attended the CWVAC (Central WV Area Conference) on Jan. 12 at Roane Middle School.

After a nail-biting three way tie between Braxton, Calhoun and Roane the decision was made to use most pins in the conference as the deciding factor.

Braxton came out in 1st place with two more pins than Calhoun and five more than Roane.

95 lb. Cody Clark, 102lb. Ben Laughlin,123 lb. Aaron Yoak, 155 lb. Chris Mace, and 275 lb. Levi Harris were champions.

84 lb. Zach Hanshaw, 90 lb. Sean Gungle, 145 lb. Jacob Haught, 171 Chad Yoak, and 190 lb. Justin Yeager finished in second.

110 lb. Taylor Welch, 116 lb. Caden Arnold, 128 lb. Allen Carpenter, and 135 lb. Tim Sutro placed 3rd.

Conference records were 78 lb. Dillon Richards 0-3, 84lb. Zach Hanshaw 2-1, 90lb. Sean Gungle 2-1, 95lb. Cody Clark 3-0, 102lb. Ben Laughlin 3-0, 110lb. Taylor Welch 1-2, 116lb. Caden Arnold 1-2, 123lb. Aaron Yoak 3-0, 128lb. Allen Carpenter 1-2, 135lb. Tim Sutro 1-2, 145lb. Jacob Haught 2-1, 155lb. Chris Mace 3-0, 171 lb. Chad Yoak 2-1, 190lb. Justin Yeager 2-1, and 275lb. Levi Harris 3-0.

submitted by: Coach Hixon