By Elvin Hixon

Calhoun Middle Wrestlers competed in the Pt. Pleasant Olympic Pool Wrestling Tournament this past weekend.

Calhoun started out with 13 wrestlers on Friday: 90lb. Sean Gungle, 95lb. Shane Cummings, 102lb. Ben Laughlin, 110lb. Taylor Welch, 116lb. Caden Arnold, 123lb. Aaron Yoak, 128lb. Allen Carpenter, 135lb. Tim Sutro, 145lb. Jacob Haught, 155lb. Chris Mace, 171lb. Chad Yoak, 190lb. Caleb Robinson, and 275lb. Levi Harris.

By Saturday, Calhoun added to their already forfeited weight classes of 78lb. and 84lb. to add 95lb., 171lb., and 190lb.

Those advancing to the final two rounds were 90lb. Sean Gungle, 102lb. Ben Laughlin, 123lb. Aaron Yoak, 128lb. Allen Carpenter, and 145lb. Jacob Haught. 90lb.

Sean Gungle was named Champion, 102lb. Ben Laughlin placed 3rd., 123lb. Aaron Yoak placed 4th, 128lb. Allen Carpenter placed 5th, and 145 lb. Jacob Haught placed 8th.

Calhoun placed 10th behind Pt. Pleasant 1st, East Fairmont 2nd, Williamstown 3rd, Western Greenbrier 4th, Cammack 5th, Warm Springs 6th, Milton 7th, and tied for 8th Shady Springs and Independence.

Calhoun competes in the Braxton Invitational on Jan. 8 at Braxton Middle School.