The Kindergarten students of AES were entertained with a story "Tortillas and Lullabies" by Lynn Reiser, read in Spanish, by Michael Edwards. Mr. Edwards is retired from Calhoun-Middle High School, where he taught Spanish. The students were excited and enjoyed this activity very much.
As we enter the season of giving, we need to be mindful of those less fortunate. Arnoldsburg Elementary School is adopting an elementary school in Pensacola, Florida, who suffered great loss during the hurricane that devastated the area.
Arnoldsburg Elementary School has adopted Spencer Bibs Elementary School in the Escambia School District as our community project for the Christmas season. The school not only suffered a great loss, but many of their families lost everything. The community is still struggling to get back on its feet after this disaster. Some of the suggested items needed were school supplies, books to rebuild their library, and Wal-Mart gift cards. Checks will also be accepted made payable to the Foundation for Excellence.
We are asking the people of our community to help us make this Christmas season brighter for those who have lost everything. Please send your donations to the Arnoldsburg Elementary School by December 10, 2004. We appreciate your help and support with this endeavor.
The address to send money or items
Arnoldsburg Elementary School
Attention: Title I - Help Us Help Others
PO Box 159
Arnoldsburg, WV 25234-0159