By Bob Weaver
Will state lawmakers have the moxy to withstand the onslaught of the drug-makers lobby and pass a bill that would actually lower the cost of medication in West Virginia?
It looks like it.
Gov. Bob Wise called a special session to do just that, starting Monday.
The legislature had caved-in to the smoke and mirrors of the drug corporations last session and the protectionist positions of the Bush administration.
The drug makers set up a West Virginia web site they said would help consumers save money.
It had little effect, if any.
Lawmakers could vote on a landmark plan to bring low-cost prescriptions to West Virginia residents.
The agenda includes a proposal recommended by the newly created state Pharmaceutical Cost Management Council.
They have drafted a plan that would allow the state to negotiate prices with drug makers with the deeply discounted Federal Supply Schedule as a benchmark.
Speaker Bob Kiss said it could be up to three years before the plan could be activated.