GRANTSVILLE MOVING OFFICES - Potholes Get Asphalt, Audit Contract Submitted

Taken from the Minutes, Nov. 1, 2004

The town hall being in disrepair with the possibility of the facility becoming a hazard to the town's employees and citizens, action was taken to relieve the problem.

Mayor Blankenship advised council he had attended the county commissioner's meeting and they had voted unanimously to help the Town of Grantsville by providing some space in the old jail house to house the office staff and the police

The issue was hinging on the council's approval.

Blankenship said the details would be worked out between Richard Kirby, County Clerk and council.

Diane Ludwig volunteered to show the council and citizens the office space if they wished to see it.

A visit was paid to the jail building.

Mayor Blankenship then canvassed council members for their thoughts on moving to the new location.

Council was unanimous in thinking it was a good move.

JoAnn Stevens felt there should be some kind of a lease agreement worked out with the County Commission.

Stevens then made a motion to accept the Calhoun County Commission's offer to move into the old jail house office space with the details to be worked our between Richard Kirby, County Clerk, and the town.

The motion carried unanimously.

Peggy Schmidt representing the Town Hall Committee reported that there was no meeting of the committee and no business was transacted. Compaction holes are next on the schedule for the town hall site.

Cheryl Davis thanked the council and employees for patching the hole in the road in front of her house.

Mayor Blankenship reported that two loads of asphalt had been used to patch holes in the streets and as weather permits more would be obtained.

Mayor Blankenship reported that Halloween was uneventful, and he was very proud of the youth for a safe and Happy Halloween.

Phyllis Maze reported that the audit contract had been sent to the State Auditor's Office for the 2003-2004 audit.

Present at Monday's meeting: Mayor Neil Blankenship, Recorder Phyllis Maze; Council members JoAnn Stevens, Keith Smith, Loretta Stevens, Charles Whipkey and Cheryl Davis; attorney Kevin Postalwaite.

Others Present: Diane Ludwig, Lisa Minney, Helen Morris, Peggy Schmidt, Mary Zimmer, Nancy Bremar, Helen Hamilton, Jim Morris, Bob Groves, Doug Davis, Robert Marks, Leonard and Judy Powell.

There was no meeting of the committee and no business was transacted. The compaction holes are next on the schedule.