Front row (left to right) kneeling -
Ray Boggs, Roger Bush, Jane Morris Carpenter, Susan Bush Siers, Martha Ritchie Johnson
2nd row - Butch Vanhorn, Sharon Sturm Wilt, Pam Stalnaker Bartlett, Jane Gainer Collins, Becky Haymaker Czap, Diane Godfrey Nicholas, Anna Richards Music, Barbara McCumbers Wilson, Genevieve Miller Miller
3rd row - Alan Yoak, David Bland, David Cain, Debbie Robinson Campbell (partially hidden), Philip Earl, Sherry Carpenter Earl, Bob Metz, Judy Smith Myer, Anita Jarvis West
4th row - Randy Gainer, Sherry Parsons Burrows, Philip Hickman, Sherlen Ward Abbott, Roger Wayne, Sue Ferrell Williams, Paula Smith Yoak, Sandra Villers Fowler, and John Bullard
Photos courtesy of Sue Williams
The Calhoun High School class of 1969 had their annual "every fifth year reunion" at Ryan's Restaurant in Mineral Wells last Saturday evening.
They were an enthusiastic bunch, reliving old times and catching up.
About 70 members and their spouses register for the get-together.
Class member Sue Williams said "This is one of the best classes ever to graduate from Calhoun High School."
David Cain, Diane Godfrey Nicholas, Anna Richards Music, Charlie Music, Rebecca Haymaker Czap
Sandra Villers Fowler, Martha Ritchie Johnson
Debbie Robinson Campbell and husband David Campbell (class of '65)
Sherlene (Ward) Abbott and husband, Jim
Judy Smith Myer and husband Larry Myer (Class of 68)
Bob Metz
Anita Jarvis West and husband
Roger Bush and wife, Terri
Anna Richards Music, Patty Dawson Wilmoth, Genevieve Miller Miller and husband Carrol
Sherry Carpenter Earl - Class of 69 Homecoming Queen, Pam Stalnaker Bartlett, Butch Vanhorn, Jane Gainer Collins
Philip and Sherry Carpenter Earl (both classmates)
Rebecca Whipkey Nichols
Sherry Parsons Burrows and husband Pete Burrows
Barbara McCumbers Wilson and husband, Stanley
David Cain, Class President
with John Bullard (Queen for the evening)
and Randy Gainer, traveling from Drapier Utah
Ray Boggs, Diana Godfrey Nicholas
Jane Morris Carpenter and husband, Ron