Grantsville's town hall has been declared unsafe, maybe.
Frank Venezia, chairman of the town hall committee, reported that Cerrone &
Associates had inspected the building and found that it was not economical to
try to salvage the building.
Structurally the building is unsafe and was not built properly, said the
During a discussion about the building, it was stated the current condition of
the town hall is from faulty construction. The building is apparently shifting
because the ceiling is not tied to the walls.
Tearing down the fire hall could be dangerous, said the minutes.
The current town hall part of the complex could be saved, but it would
apparently be too expensive.
The consulting engineer has stated that people should be moved out of the fire
hall now. The engineer reportedly said the building would not fall in on its own,
but if a heavy snow came, there could be a problem in the fire hall section.
Venezia reported that Cerrone & Associates had sent a contract outlining the
different phases of the project and Phase I is the study and Report Phase at a
cost of $3000.
Venezia said the fee will become payable when actual construction is
complete, the project abandoned or there ceases to be applications for grants
or loans.
Cerrone & Associates is to send the council a report of the condition of the
building and pre-budget cost for new building.
The minutes said "There was some concern for the people working in the
building and Jim Morris said he would provide temporary housing at 254 Court
Street" for a period of 24-months at no charge.
Mr. Venezia said that he would like to have some additional members on the
committee as Ralph Campbell had resigned. He recommended Peg Schmitz
and Richard Whytsell. They agreed to serve if approved by council.
Robert Petrosky asked what is being done about the hole on Florence and Mill
Street, after his suit against the town was dropped in magistrate court.
City Attorney Kevin Postalwait advised he had no comment because of
pending legal action.
Robert Petrosky asked if he could see a parking violation ticket written by
Police Chief Ron Gordon, inquiring how they were handled.
Postalwait advised that tickets were handled through Magistrate Court and he
could come by the office if he wanted to see a ticket.
Doug Davis wanted to know if the hole in Mill Street was going to be fixed as it
was washing gravel into his driveway.
Mayor Blankenship said the town was going to haul some black top and it
would be taken care of this month.
Recorder Phyllis Maze reported that the town had received two replies from
their request for audit.
Pam Davis attended a seminar and advised the council that the town needs to
adopt a Bad Check Policy, after which the council adopted such a policy.
Gerry Bakker of the PSC explained some of the new laws enacted by the PSC
and answered some questions.
Mayor presented the first reading of the Cross-Connection & Backflow
Prevention Program/Ordinance, which passed.
Phyllis Maze requested council's approval for she and Pam Davis to attend a
PSC seminar on Sept 23 and 24 in Beckley, asking for the town to pay for one
night's lodging. The motion carried.
Attending the September 7th Council Meeting: Mayor Neil Blankenship,
Recorder Phyllis Maze,
Council Members Keith Smith, Loretta Stevens, Charles Whipkey, JoAnn
Stevens,(absent) and Cheryl Davis, (absent).
Also present, Reed Bennett, Helen Hamilton, Don Kelley, Bob Groves, Frank
Venezia, Peg Schmitz, Kevin Postalwait, Nancy Bremar, Bob Petrosky,
Doug Davis, Lisa Minney, Pam Davis, Jim Aucremanne, PSC, Gerry Bakker, PSC,
Helen Morris, Jim Morris, Galen Duskey and Leonard Powell.