
Bikers waiting for starting pistol

The dash is on as bikers climb the first hill

Easy part of race track, although mud is deep

Former Calhouners Gene and Cathy Stump
cheer their 14-year-old grandson Erick Wolfe

Jim Bennett gives last minute directions

Mountain bike racers from all over came to Calhoun County Park this weekend for the 8th Annual Appalachian Bike Classic.

It was a beautiful, sunny weekend for the region's mountain bike racers, although parts of the 7.2 trail was rain-soaked, muddy and challenging.

The Classic is a fund-raiser for the Calhoun Park.

Bikers made last minute adjustments before race starts

Downhill slope toward park barn, but lots of track is in the deep woods

This guy is trying to take a few pictures of the race