Travis Duelley (center) with parents Arthur and Betty
Travis displays his assortment of Saddam's folding money
August, 2004
"It was wonderful to see green again," said Spec 4 Travis Duelley of
Grantsville, flying into the USA from a tour of duty in Iraq. "When I got home to
Calhoun (Sunday) it was really green. There is little green in Iraq," he said.
Duelley, the son of Arthur and Betty Duelley of Grantsville, is a medic.
"As much
as I love being home, I feel a real need to be with my guys," he said. "They
depend on me and a lot can happen quickly. Life and death things."
Medics perform much like they have done throughout military history, one
medic assigned to a platoon.
Duelley joined the 1092nd Engineers in Spencer, but completed his training
after they were deployed to Iraq. He was then assigned to 150th Armored in
Bluefield-Princeton and went to Iraq with that unit in February.
He returned to Grantsville Sunday for a two week leave.
"It's great to be home," he said.