By Alvin Engelke
By Alvin Engelke
The Creston Community Adopt-a-Highway will pick up trash along W. Va. Route
5 on Saturday, August 21. Participants should be at the Creston Community
Building at 8 A. M. The next poker run will be September 25.
The Hopkins Family Reunion will be held Saturday, August 21 at 12:30 at the
Vienna Community Building, which is located off Rosemar Road at or near
Jackson Park. For details call Tom Hopkins at 422-3505.
Mildred Rose, age 89, passed away at a rest home in Coolville Ohio. She was a
daughter of the late Arthur and Mary Woodring Nutter. Her daughter Jean
stayed with her uncle, the late Hershel Nutter, and Alvin Wiles. Burial was at
the McCray (Snyder) Cemetery at Creston.
Several area residents attended and participated in the Wirt County Fair.
Emma and Lindsey Miller won several ribbons for their entries, showmanship,
etc and their animals fetched good prices at the livestock sale. Others worked
at booths, listened to the music, watched track events, viewed the animals or
just had good, clean fun. Several were impressed by the military helicopter
that was present. The Comely Redhead helped at the Farm Bureau booth and
was also present with the feller who had roses delivered to her workplace.
Someone dropped off a card for Jane Engelke/Wilbur Schenerlein shower by
putting the card in one of Alvin Engelke's gum boots. It would be greatly
appreciated if the donor would give Alvin a call.
Japanese stilt grass, a toxic exotic pest needs to either be cut now or pulled
up for otherwise it will seed (about 1000 seeds/plant) and spread and kill more
native plants, young trees, etc.
Destiny seems to drive Mr. Dexterity's life. First he answered an ad for a
wedding dress, a king size bed and a baby stroller. Then his horrorscope read,
" . . . like wildfire season in the high desert, it's no question that the fires will
start, it's just a question of when & where. So be ready to jump to alert as you
will be called to put the fire out."
Don Rhodes and Euell Russell were among those calling on C. Glen Arthur.
There were more than 60 present Sunday afternoon for the homecoming at
the Creston school. Clive Sheppard was the oldest teacher present while
Hazel Wix Hoffman was the oldest present. She had attended the old two-story
Creston School and brought pictures from that era. Brandon Ferrell was
among the youngest there and stated that he wanted a piece of "the happy,
happy birthday cake."
Gina London and Jen Caltrider of Denver Colorado attended the event as Gina,
especially, is a long time fan of the Creston News. For several years Gina was
one of the smiling faces on CNN although she now works for an international
consulting firm. She recently returned from Indonesia and northern Africa
where she was part of a team teaching folks how to do elections, run
campaigns, etc. For sure, she lives a very interesting life.
Glenn Campbell said he wanted to go to Colorado for a visit but his cousin
Jerry Campbell said Glenn wouldn't know what to do when he got out
The Swift Boat ad that compares the Catsup Boy's war heroics with those of
Baron Munchausen has caused quite a stir locally. It calls to mind an event
that happened in Creston during the campaign in 1920 when those running for
statewide office stopped to campaign here.
A fellow running for state auditor gave a big speech in Creston and told about
his war heroics in World War I but Howard Pell was present and he made it
clear that this fellow was the worst soldier in his unit and that his stories were
just that.
Howard had a discussion with his father and he was told, "but son, he is on our
ticket and we must support him" but Howard said he could not and didn't. The
fellow was elected anyway and was impeached down at the Mouth of Elk River
and he resigned just before his trial in the W. Va. State Senate.
However, unlike when Manchin was impeached the State Attorney General
Howard B. Lee (a Creston native) prosecuted the man in circuit court and sent
him to the slammer.
The price of local Penn grade crude rose to $43.25/bbl. When adjusted for
inflation the price of oil has been higher at other times in the past.
Local landowners are reminded that farm use reports are due in the
assessor's office by August 31. Otherwise farm land will be valued as sites for
strip malls, condominiums, etc.
Jane Engelke would like to thank everyone who came out for her wedding
shower. She was very busy Sunday; working her garden beds and planting all
the lovely plants she received. In addition she placed all her other gifts, the
garden bench, walking stones, bee skeep, and homemade birdhouse and the
result was a very beautiful garden. The water fountain was placed by the patio
and Scheny was given the job of digging out all the grass for a new flowerbed.
Alvin and Nancy helped with the project and when they left after dark the Fairy
Light was glowing, as was the turtle. The turtle sprinkle with the brass
umbrella was watering the Rose of Sharon bush and the birds were feeding at
the feeders.
The wheel barrel was put to use when Alvin cut out his favorite plant from her
bed - a multiflora rose bush!
He couldn't believe a previous owner had actually staked the thing to a rose
trellis. The trellis was moved and the beautiful climbing rose bush was planted
near it.
Scheny said his favorite was the America Flag, which is proudly waving from
the garage near the rose bush. Jane also put to use the garden tools and
apron etc. Each and very thing was greatly appreciated and will be used and