Calhoun County has held West Virginia's unemployment
record for three months, in March running 20.2%. The
state's overall unemployment for March was 5.7%.
The county is once again being considered as a site for a
production company that could bring jobs to the area.
Calhoun, among other central counties in West Virginia,
has experienced major problems convincing small
companies to locate along the rural backroads off the
interstate highway system.
Dan McDonald, Calhoun's volunteer economic
development coordinator, has often said the problem
really comes down to location, location, location.
McDonald is the President of the new two county
economic development authority involving Wirt and
West Virginia's west central counties continue to be hit
hard with joblessness, although there are some new
entries like Roane 18.0%, Braxton 11.1% and Barbour
Monongalia County had only 2.2% unemployment among
other single-digit winners Jefferson, Pendelton, Morgan
and Hancock. |