Extracted from the Minutes
Grantsville's Town Council swore in new councilwoman Cheryl Davis to
fill a vacancy on the body during the July 5th meeting.
The council went into executive session and approved a salary for
Chief of Police Ron Gordon, following earlier controversy over his
overtime payment. Gordon was hired as the chief at $21,000, in
addition to benefits, with the council approving unanimously.
Recorder Phyllis Maze reported the town had received the documents
to advertise for an audit for the fiscal year 2003-04.
Mayor Blakenship read a letter from Frank Venezia, chairman of the
new Town Hall Committee, stating the committee interviewed
architects for the project and selected Cerrone Associates. The town
has received a $3,000 grant for the proposed project. The approval to
hire will be on next month's council agenda.
The council voted not to give town residents free metered parking if
their residences is facing the street.
JoAnn Stevens introduced a motion, which passed unanimously, to
have a free pool party open to the public, expressing thanks for
supporting the pool's operation this year.
The mayor reported on the hanging of flags for the 4th of July,
complaints about trash and overgrown lawns, a $1000 donation by
Waste Management for the town pool and other grants being sought
for the pool.
Resident Doug Davis was advised by the mayor that "the state would
not allow us to do anything" on a problem related to a collapse on
Florence Street, which is presently closed.
Nancy Bremar suggested the local fire department be asked to wash
the town's streets.
The mayor appointed council members to several working
Attending, in addition to the mayor and town recorder, council
members Whipkey, Stevens, Stevens and Davis. Councilman Smith
was absent.