Scoutmaster Richard Kirby bestows "Eagle Scout" on Ryan Bremar
47-year scouting veteran Kitty Wilson talks with group about scouting and young Bremar
Ryan Bremar became an Eagle Scout yesterday, an honor bestowed upon less
than four-percent of Boy Scouts in America, and an honor that is earned by hard
"It's a wonderful thing to become an Eagle Scout," said 81-year-old Kitty Wilson,
whose 47 years with Troop 39 has seen at least 44 such young men receive the
Scoutmaster Richard Kirby said "Ryan is a good young man who has accepted
responsibility," saying scouts become givers to the community and humanity.
Kirby gave Bremar the "Eagle Charge," which directs him to use his experience,
skill and knowledge to help others in his life to come.
Kirby said volunteerism seems to be less scarce in our communities, but "Being
in scouting is one thing I'll never give up." He spoke admirably about Wilson, who
has "given more in time and money to help boys than we'll ever know."
Wilson gave Bremar 25 gold dollars, saying "If you keep this, you'll never be
broke." He took time to recognize the "workers" who continue to help with
Calhoun's scouting program.
After scoutmaster Kirby bestowed the Eagle award, numerous letters and
citations were read during the ceremony, including a letter and a flag
presentation from Congresswoman Shelly Moore Capito.
Bremar acknowledges support given by scoutmaster Kirby
Bremar recognizes his parents, Andy and Nancy Bremar
Scout leaders Dave Curry (left) and Keith Smith (right) view one of Bremar's
scouting projects, a computer presentation to recruit new scouts
Bremar is a Senior at Calhoun High School, and plans to attend WVU in the fall,
majoring in pre-pharmacy. His career goal is to be a Research
He is very active in his community and is a Grantsville Volunteer fire fighter,
currently vice-president of the
local HSTA Organization (Health Science Technology Academy), president of the
Teen Leaders 4-H club, president of the
Community Clovers 4-H Club and a member of the National Honor Society and Mu
Alpha Theta.
He is a Shares Ambassador, a
member of the Sons of the American Legion, attends Prince of Peace Catholic
Church and currently a member of the Calhoun
County High School Varsity Baseball Team.